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Robert Kennedy Jr Sworn as Secretary of HHS

Robert Kennedy Jr Sworn as Secretary of HHS

Robert Kennedy Jr has now been sworn as Secretary of HHS.

He is now holding the highest position in Health sector around the world.

The HHS even dictates many policies of WHO till now.

The CDC, FDA and many such organizations fall under the administration of HHS.

Here is what Wikipaedia has to say about Robert Kennedy Jr

Here is the link:

Click the link below to watch what Donald Trump said during the ceremony.

Click Here to Watch statement of D. Trump

I am giving all these details here as I want Mauritians to start using their mind when it comes to consuming information from the internet.

Just ask a question- why would a President of the United States choose a person like this to occupy the highest health position in the world?

Let’s look into the years to come how he transforms the health sector in the US- the stats will speak for themselves.

I personally know that the outcome of the works of JFK Jr will be a massive reduction in all health issues in the US. Autism will decrease significantly, obesity will be reduced and much more!

We are at the dawn of a population that will show miracles in their health!

Stay tuned.