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Digital ID being enf0rced W0rldwide to Enslave Humanity!

Digital ID being enf0rced W0rldwide to Enslave Humanity!

Digital ID is being enf0rced w0rldwide to to c0ntrol the population.

That is the reason that the Government is asking Mauritians to re-register our SIM cards.

The dangers of it is numerous and I have listed two below but for the whole interview about what these digital ID would be used for, Click Here

  1. Everyone would have to keep up t date with their vaksines that is most of the time is destructive to the human health. Nanobots are being injected in people through vaksines so as to control those injected people.
  2. They will be able to restrict freedom of speech by penalizing people who talk openly against them.

Click this link to listen to the full broadcast on digital ID: