Breaking News Case Study

Myocardidis from the illness VS Myocardidis from jabz!

Myocardidis from the illness VS Myocardidis from jabz!

The topic of myocardidis from contracting Cov!d can be very easily distorted to push the v@cc!nes on children.

Who can be a better Doctor to explain this phenomenon than Dr Peter Mc Cullough who is a certified cardiologist and who have been curing cov!d patients from the beginning of cv19.

He says in his interview that the myocardidis indicated by elevation in troponine level is mild for cov!d patients.

On the other hand, the myocardidis induced by the cov!d shots are 100 times or more higher that in case of normal infections to cov!d. Children are at high risk of myocarditis caused by cov!d v@cc!nes.

Listen to the interview of Dr Peter Mc Cullough by clicking on the video below: